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Save energy & money with your Spa Pool

How to Reduce Spa Power Consumption for Lower Energy Costs

Imagine soaking in your own spa pool while knowing you’re making an eco-friendly choice, especially in terms of spa power consumption. Trueform Spa Pools provide a luxurious and relaxing experience without compromising on environmental responsibility. In this guide, we will explore how Trueform Spa Pools save water and energy, helping you make an informed decision for your backyard oasis while considering spa power consumption.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand spa pool energy use to reduce power consumption and lower costs.
  • Invest in high-quality heating systems, filtration & circulation systems, and insulation for long-term savings.
  • Trueform Spa Pools offer water conservation benefits with their energy efficient features for a cost effective contribution to the environment.

Understanding Spa Pool Energy Use

Spa pool energy consumption depends on various factors, such as heating systems, filtration and circulation, as well as massage jets and bubblers. The spa’s location also plays a role in energy expenditure, with a stable climate correlating to lower costs.

High-quality thermal spa covers and well-insulated spa cabinets can cut heating costs by up to 40%. Let’s delve into the factors that impact spa pool energy use for a clearer understanding.

Heating Systems

Heating systems like electric element heaters and heat pumps determine how much electricity a spa pool uses. Electric element heaters in spa pools, for instance, can be up to 75% more efficient than electricity and 55% more efficient than gas, making them a cost-effective option recommended by many spa manufacturers.

Full foam insulation is considered the most effective type of spa insulation for a spa pool. Here are some benefits of full foam insulation:

  • At Trueform we coat our spa’s with enough foam to ensure that any more would only change the R rating very insignificantly (between 35mm and 70mm depending on the area).
  • It helps in reducing spa pool running costs by lowering energy consumption.
  • It ensures that the heat generated by the spa’s heating system is retained, resulting in more efficient heating.
  • Investing in a high-quality heating system and full foam insulation can yield significant long-term energy savings.
Well-insulated spa cabinets
Well-insulated spa cabinets

Filtration and Circulation

The filtration and circulation systems in a spa pool also influence energy consumption. Some key points to consider are:

  • Air Blowers or Air pumps waste energy.
  • The more pumps the greater the energy cost.
  • Clean filters reduce energy costs.

Trueform Spa Pools utilise the Clearzone ozone sanitisation system, which uses 0.14amps drawing minimal electricity. Selecting a spa pool with an energy-efficient circulation system not only reduces pump strain but also decreases overall energy consumption.

Massage Jets and Bubblers

Massage Jets and Bubblers
Massage Jets and Bubblers

Massage jets and bubblers can contribute to increased energy consumption in spa pools. However, turning them off when not in use can significantly reduce energy consumption and save money. Being mindful of your usage patterns and turning off these features when not in use is crucial.

Adopting energy-saving habits allows you to enjoy the luxury features of your spa pool without sacrificing energy efficiency.

Eco-Friendly Features of Trueform Spa Pool

Eco-Friendly Features of Trueform Spa Pools
Eco-Friendly Features of Trueform Spa Pools

Trueform Spa Pools are designed with eco-friendly features in mind, offering premium insulation and smart control systems to reduce energy consumption. These features not only benefit the environment but also save you money on energy costs.

We’ll delve into these eco-friendly features for a better understanding.

Premium Insulation

Trueform Spa Pools use multi-density full foam for superior insulation, which helps retain heat and reduce energy costs. This high-density refrigerated grade insulation, combined with natural cedar cabinets, ensures that heat is trapped within the spa, reducing the need for frequent heating and lowering energy costs. Moreover, the insulation helps to reduce vibration, wear, and cold air infiltration, further enhancing the spa’s energy efficiency.

Investing in a premium spa pool, such as a Trueform Spa Pool with premium insulation, enables energy conservation, promotes a greener planet, and ensures a luxurious spa experience.

Smart Control Systems

Smart control systems in Trueform Spa Pools, such as SV Mini spa controls and Spa Power controllers, come equipped with intelligent software that monitors the spa water, automatically regulates the pump and heater, and maintains the water temperature as set by the user. These systems employ power-saving software and can schedule heating and filtering during off-peak hours, optimising energy usage and reducing overall energy consumption.

Trueform Spa Pools’ smart control systems aid in optimising your spa pool’s energy efficiency, thereby reducing energy costs and lessening environmental impact.

Tips for Reducing Spa Power Consumption

There are several strategies you can implement to reduce spa pool power consumption, such as adjusting water temperature, utilising a suitable spa cover, and performing regular maintenance.

Adopting these energy-saving tips ensures you can enjoy your spa pool without concern for high energy costs or negative environmental impacts.

Adjusting Water Temperature

One way to conserve energy and lower costs related to water temperature is to create usage patterns for adjusting water temperature. A temperature range of 36-38 degrees Celsius (96.8-100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) is typically recommended for a pleasant and tranquil experience. Adjusting the spa pool temperature to a comfortable level while still being energy-efficient can lead to significant energy savings.

Mindful adjustment of water temperature based on your needs and usage patterns can save energy and lessen your spa pool’s environmental impact.

Proper Spa Cover Usage

South Pacific Covers
South Pacific Covers

Using a high-quality, well-insulated spa cover can significantly reduce energy consumption by preventing heat loss. A good spa cover should possess enhanced insulation, a secure seal against evaporation, and cushioned seals through the middle fold and along the edges. The spa cover prevents heat loss by sealing out the external environment and limiting evaporation.

Investing in a well-insulated spa cover not only conserves energy but also helps maintain water quality, making it an essential addition to your eco-friendly spa pool.

Check out our options here.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning filters and maintaining water quality, can help reduce strain on spa pool systems and lower energy costs. Showering before using a spa helps preserve water balance and reduces the need for filter replacements by keeping the spa free of excessive oils and hair from users’ skin. Clean filters also improve filtration efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Performing regular maintenance on your spa pool optimises its performance, curtails energy usage, and enhances the longevity of your investment.

Comparing Spa Pool and Swimming Pool Energy Costs

When comparing the energy costs of spa pools and swimming pools, it’s essential to consider both upfront costs and ongoing expenses. While the initial costs for spa pools may be more expensive than swimming pools, ongoing expenses, such as water usage, chemicals, and energy costs, tend to be lower for spa pools.

We’ll delve into the cost to run for a better understanding.

Upfront Costs

Spa pools may have higher upfront costs compared to swimming pools, with prices ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on the type of pool and additional features. However, investing in a high-quality, energy-efficient spa pool can save money in the long run by reducing energy consumption and ongoing maintenance costs.

When making an initial investment in a spa pool, consider the long-term savings from energy efficiency and lower operating costs against the higher upfront costs.

Ongoing Expenses

Ongoing expenses for spa pools, such as water usage, chemicals, and energy costs, are generally lower than those for swimming pools. The typical monthly expense for spa pool upkeep can range from 30-40 cents per day to $4-5 per day, depending on factors such as size, insulation, and usage.

In comparison, the approximate monthly cost for swimming pool upkeep is around $180. By choosing a Trueform Spa Pool, you can enjoy the luxury of a spa experience while reducing your ongoing expenses and environmental impact.

The Environmental Benefits of Choosing a Trueform Spa Pool


By choosing a Trueform Spa Pool, you can reap the environmental benefits of water conservation and energy efficiency. These eco-friendly features not only contribute to a healthier planet but also save you money on energy costs.

We’ll delve into these environmental benefits for a more detailed understanding.

Water Conservation

Trueform Spa Pools require less water than traditional swimming pools, needing only a 1/3 water change every 3 months and a full water change every 6-12 months. In comparison, swimming pools necessitate more water for filling, maintenance, and chemical treatments.

Opting for a Trueform Spa Pool significantly reduces water consumption and promotes a more sustainable future.

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient features in Trueform Spa Pools, such as premium insulation and smart control systems, help reduce energy consumption and lower environmental impact. The smart control system optimises energy usage by scheduling heating and filtering during off-peak hours, while premium insulation minimises heat loss and reduces power bills.

Choosing a Trueform Spa Pool ensures a luxurious spa experience without sacrificing environmental responsibility.


In conclusion, Trueform Spa Pools offer a luxurious and eco-friendly alternative to traditional swimming pools. With their energy-efficient heating systems, premium insulation, smart control systems, and water conservation features, Trueform Spa Pools help reduce energy consumption, lower operating costs, and minimise environmental impact. By investing in a Trueform Spa Pool, you can enjoy the relaxation of a spa experience while making an environmentally responsible choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much power does a spa consume?

The average power consumption of a spa pool is around 5000 watts (5kWh). The main electricity siphon is the heater, ranging from 2000 to 9000 watts depending on the model, and the pumps usually run at around 1500 watts.

How many kw does a hot tub use?

A hot tub with a 120-volt heater will consume 3 kWh of power, while one with a larger heater will consume 7.5 kWh.

Why is my spa using so much power?

It looks like the size of your tub, thermostat setting, outdoor air temperature and wind speed, as well as the quality and age of your water heater are all factors that can be contributing to the amount of power being used by your spa.

What factors contribute to spa pool energy use?

Heating systems, filtration and circulation, insulation, massage jets and bubblers all contribute to spa pool energy use, making it a significant factor in energy consumption.

How can I reduce energy consumption in my spa pool?

Adjust water temperature, use a proper spa cover, and perform regular maintenance to reduce energy consumption in your spa pool.

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